Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Monday, July 24, 2023

"Flat Earthers Unite" a masterpiece by Q. Benighted Shamanyan, Flat Earth Society Grand Dragon

 Flat Earthers Unite 'neath the sweet umbrella of idiocy
and raise your voice in the cretin's version of Innisfree.
Pose and posit with simpleton's logic that what you see is all
there is to Heaven and Earth, Horacio you libtard tool.

Keep expanding on fake moon landings where static flags still flutter
and that the shadow IRA killed JFK with microchips in peanut butter.
In the devil's pizza parlor Hillary harbors tykes who are made to swap genders
to offend Jesus Christ who stays in most nights raising the rates on His renters.

The War On Christmas is serious business if the libs cancel Santa outright
and then ever after the horrible factor of a Santa who's black as the night
blown up in the yards of the BLM crowd who combine with the immigrant scaries
who jig hand in hand with the dregs of the land like POC's, atheists and fairies.

Flat Earthers unite to destroy all Bud Lite and the lamestream media too
who lie and tell us conservative fellas that slaves on plantations were blue
and other such whoppers, O Walmart Shoppers led by Commander Kid Rock
who collect Trump cards and various canards while for birthdays the kiddies get Glocks.

for Desperate Poets "desperate satires." 


  1. Woe to all Earthers who fail to Bronx cheer Flat Earthers. What ripe reposte here. A two flusher scat calling out insanestream media conspiracies from sea to burning sea. You nailed 'em, sister. Thanks for the leadoff triple.

  2. I love "lamestream media". That's about it. I can hardly stand this current version of As the World Turns. Dont know if I can do four more years of the orange man. Or if the planet can.

  3. This is totally on point, and even more totally--like 1110%--hilarious. It's a crushing indictment of idiocy that OSHA would be regulating if it still could regulate anything. I especially love the horrors of Hillary and the Yeats reference. Superb satire, and a pretty damn good poem on its own.

  4. Brilliant , Shay, and very funny. Covers a multitude or a multitude's view> JIM

  5. I miss you from our One Stop Poetry days.

  6. Insightful, stunning, acidic, and vivid! Not only that but how you got it to rhyme like that is amazing! Hope you are well, Shay, it's a pleasure to read you again :-)

  7. LOL. I think you pretty much covered it! (I’m slowly catchup up on all this, sorry for the late responses…)


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