Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, February 14, 2025



there is a tiger
who travels through each of my arms.
One is filled with jacaranda
with the moon asleep in its branches.
the other is a dusty courtyard in afternoon
with a fountain 
and a small child who walks its low wall.

your little balcony
is where the tiger likes to go.
there is a purple reflection in the fountain--
the child 
peels an orange to find the moon at its center,
and me in your arms
near the jacaranda branches
where everything is harmonious
and fragrant.


  1. Beautiful, melodic and full of love and yearning. Everything poetry should be, in your own trademark dynamic of vivid and original imagery. I love that you can find this tenderness in such a harsh time.

  2. ...sigh...this is luscious and beautiful.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?