Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Come on in, the water's fine.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

He who hesitates is lost.

Are you calling the plumber, or shall I?

Call 1-800-WET FLOR.

Call upon God in times of crisis.

Bring a positive attitude.

Bring it, come at me, bro.

Bring in the left-hander.

Bring that up again and see what happens.

How long can you hold your breath?

How far is it to Katmandu?

How deep is your love?

If you laid the Bee Gees end to end, what good would it do?

Stay on point.

Stay on topic.

Stay. Sit. Roll over.

The water do wave, the water do roll.

Do the water a pour into this little bowl.

Climb up, climb out, do a cartwheel and a bow,

and see what I've got planned for you now.


for Sunday Muse #136.


  1. This feels so like the jumbled white noise of all the foolish ephemerals that surround us, stated in one tight, painful spitball of a poem. Some lines made me want to pull my hair out, others like the BeeGees reference, made me laugh out loud. Only you could take these tropes and stand them on their head like this so they mean something, possibly as you hint in the close, something completely different than we ever could have imagined. And the perfect title...what a trip, Shay.

  2. I choked on my turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce sandwich when I got to "Call 1-800-WET FLOR" Somehow, amazingly, your list of bromides transcends, and we have a survival guide to burbling underwater. The Bee-Gees end-to-end is endlessly priceless. The last line is terrifying after the sing-song death clown singing that precedes it. Lord God.

  3. "Sign says 'do this do that...'" Old song is coming true.
    I smiled all the way, please don't let your GPS get hod of this or you'll be busy for days.

  4. How you say what could not have been said in a way we could never have thought to have said it is mind blowing my friend!!! We are surrounded daily by the direction of fools, to the point it can be defening! I will never hear how deep is your love quite the same. LOVE this Shay!!!

  5. Supertramp to the rescue, coming ... hang in there! In the meantime, my advice? Take the long way home.

  6. This (kind of) reminds me a of John Prine song, where he had a bunch of sayings he'd heard all his life. As usual, the little bit of rhyme skated right by me--it was that seamless.

  7. Do the water a pour into this little bowl.
    Climb up, climb out, do a cartwheel and a bow,
    and see what I've got planned for you now.

    Something good seems forthcoming but mystifying to those expecting it. It is good to play games though!


  8. I love the incantations.......especially the lines Hank quoted. Smiling. Such fun to read.

  9. An incantation, a word spill of all those "helpful" things that don't help. We certainly live a dark circus in a song whirl these days.

  10. Love everything about this, Shay. All the familiar sayings, and songs.
    But, Call 1-800-Wet Flor made me laugh out loud.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?