Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

And Now You Know.... The Rest of The Story


Somehow, the Modesto Mud Pigeons vault into second place in the Pacific Crust League baseball season of 1930.

A perennial doormat playing in a ramshackle firetrap of a ballpark and managed by an unstable loon called Double Hatchet MacGillicuddy, the team's fortunes changed when rookie phenom Handsome Henry Faraday arrived and slugged 42 home runs in 25 games, all while setting ladies' hearts aflutter.

Imagine then, how Double Hatchet and the soft-hearted ladies reacted when fire-balling Franco "Frank" Spizeymeatballi cracked Faraday right in the dome with a pitch! 

Down he went, and down went the Mud Pigeons with him, finishing a distant fifth as Spizeymeatballi's San Jose Hosers took the championship. :-(

Double Hatchet MacGillicuddy was last seen running amok on the Pacific island of Watyagonnadonow where he vanished into a grove of palm trees and was killed by a falling coconut.

As for our hero Handsome Henry Faraday, his head injury resulted in a new and amazing musical talent, enabling him to invent the electric piano--not popularized until some 40 years later--when his recording of a barrelhouse version of One Meat Ball unexpectedly (and posthumously) topped the charts, making Handsome Henry second only to Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin in 1970's musical importance. 


for Denise's Six Sentence Stories. Key word: "vault"

Music: Tony Pastor One Meat Ball


  1. No one tells a story more entertainingly than you. Superb.

  2. The falling coconut: a crowning touch. The crack on the dome: an unchained melody. What do they make? Shay's recipe for chart-topping writing! LOL. 🙂

  3. Wonderfully done, i'll smile all evening.

  4. And I believe every word of it because it's too good not to be true. :-)

  5.'s so crazy that I believe EVERY word of this and I know you love baseball...

  6. It sounds like that falling coconut was just reward for that wayward pitch.

  7. Knocked it out of the park, Shay!
    Packed Six!

  8. Oh those names! And now I can't get that song out of my head "You get no bread with one meatball..."

  9. How enjoyable was your Six this week? I immediately started recalling a college romance, just to make the first reading last longer.*

    But, serially, ain't words and stories (and comments and replies) fun?

    *bar rump bump!

  10. When life gives you lemons make lemonade or music, and avoid falling coconuts, so many life lessons to be learned here. A fun read.

  11. so you're telling john paul jones was handsome henry's fifth cousin on his stepmother's side... nice! ferlinghetti would be proud of this poem, as would paul harvey. i miss reading your work so much

  12. Ha! Ha! easy for you to say ... I'm still trying to get my tongue around the pronunciation! 🤣


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