(and when
have we not been climbing?
let there be
the marvelous kiss of a lively mandolin.
the wry, sensual bouzouki
at least,
the mournful deep pool of the oud.
Let the hangman arrive
on a plumed black Arabian,
the doula with her arms around his belly.
(and when
have they not been so entwined?
Let her feed him Greek Easter bread from her fingers
with blackberry jam
and churned butter.
There is no word for him
or us
to say.
Allow him these joys before his task.
Let there be wags
irreverent, wearing bright smocks.
(and when
have they not appeared costumed this way?
let them tell jokes and ribald stories
so that we might forget our aching knees and hearts.
Let them tilt back their heads
lifting geysers of Athiri wine up to God
alone in His white pagoda.
Let the blind boy in his dusty thawb
hand us grapes
as we ascend.
Let him strike the gong
announcing our circular travels.
(and when
have we ever left these stairs, even in dreams?
Let a young woman lead a gray donkey
peacefully across the streets we leave behind.
Let the sky be almost clear and blue
but for one cloud, one bird,
and one sun unblinking.
Let the rope be strong and well tested.
Let the holy man sleep,
his book falling from his lap like a restless child.
Let our memories
explode like confetti,
and sleep like lions.
Goodbye, the world will say
and then again, always again,
Music: Zorba's Dance-Sirtaki