Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Only Every Bloody Thing


Only every bloody thing
volunteered for offering
against their will, against the grain
against their soul and flesh and name.

Our Mother of the Not Enough
whose kiss is made of chaff and stuff
to starve the cow whose bell is broke
and tell the flame it's only smoke.

Only every bloody thing
whose throat was cut but still could sing
will curse your words and curse your hand
in every tongue and every land.

Our Mother of the Frozen Pond
the awful ice where darkness spawned
a lonely child who had one too
whose scorn is mixed with pity, too.

For those, like me, for whom Mother's Day is hard. We are sisters, we are fierce, and we are worthy.

Two roads diverged in a wood...

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

Music: Sly & the Family Stone Stand


  1. "...whose scorn is mixed with pity too." That resonates. Yes, a hard day for you, my friend. I am sorry. No child should suffer as so many do at the hands of the unloving.

  2. A raw powerful poem, Shay. I hope you had a pleasant day reading, writing or walking the dog, regardless. You could always think of it as nothing more than a poem-making day 💕

  3. This is both jagged and smooth. Jagged from pain, stained with tears undeserved, yet clear and smooth in the brilliance of your magnificent gift. It makes me sad that you suffered this way. I love that close. You are fierce, you are worthy, of that there is no doubt. <3

  4. I think it is a deep wound to bear when you have a mother that is not what a mother should be or is even more so horrible. This poem captures those feelings and the truths perfectly my friend! I didn't go through what you did but I have my reasons that I can relate to the hurt that comes with mother's day and the loss of what we never had. You are fierce and amazing and worthy, and if I was your mama I would be oh so very proud of you in struggle and in all your accomplishments. Sorry to be so sappy but it is how I feel and I am pretty sappy you know.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?