Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

On the Occasion of my 39th Sobriety Anniversary


You ask nothing of me that you do not share in every detail.

In a desert place, on the edge of a precipice, you found me
and took every wound upon yourself.

You bled where I bled, and that is as real as it gets.
You offered your hand but left it to me whether to take it. 

I did, and knew that I would never fall, then or ever,
and here I stand, Never Alone, sober and strong

Not because of any book or pulpit, but because
a workman found me in a desert place and gave me His hand. 

My 39th sobriety anniversary was last month. One day at a time. 


  1. Words can't express respect I have for your accomplishment. All the best to you! Aloha!

  2. Congrats Shay for working hard to surrender and sustain and further the miracle today and today and today.

    1. Thanks Brendan. I got old and didn't drink, as they say! But as you know, really it was more than that and I could not have done it on my own.

  3. Whatever and whoever it takes to save ourselves, to see the road diverge and find the right path, the mystery is at the heart of what we as humans are. I give you profound respect and personal gratitude for the turn you made out of darkness which has enriched my own life with all that you have to give, and this poem is a powerful voice from that inner well of strength we sometimes don't have any idea we have.

    1. Thank you my BFF. I treasure having you to traverse the rocky path with. Though our challenges may be different, our mental instability and innate sense of nonsense prevails!

  4. Amen. This is gorgeous. The art, the message, the mode, the mood, the immensity of what you moment by moment take up and lay down --- I am so proud of you.

  5. A wonderful poem and a powerful journey. What an accomplishment is 39 years lived one day at a time. I am so glad you made this journey and that so many of us get to read your amazing work.

  6. Wow, Shay. What an accomplishment! And to recognize you wouldn't be here on your own is powerful. I love every line of this, especially the end. Jesus is personal for me, too. We are Never Alone.

  7. This is absolutely amazing Shay and is so inspiring! Sometimes the simplest forms of kindness can make all the difference. I love this so much my friend!

  8. I love Him too, Shaym and He's been through many a rocky and hard place with me, taken my hand, pulled me through when I was most unlike myself by being what I thought was myself, or when I abandoned all hope of being helped. How wonderful your poem is, how celebratory, and one that touches the heart to the core, because it's pure, unadulterated truth and it sings like the sweetest song ever sung! Thirty-nine wondrous years are just the beginning, my dear friend. ((HUGS))

    1. Thank you Dora. "most unlike myself"... I know exactly what you mean by that. And we have been given the grace to be so much more than that now.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?