Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Calling

Her line goes back through a thousand mothers,

And as many winters,

To this moment now, the one she lives in

With grace and surety.

Do not approach her with ego, addiction, vanity or cruelty--

She will show you her back and scorn you.

But if she chooses you,

If she lets you see the unfettered natural passion behind her eyes,

If she says,

"you are mine"

Then you are--

Then you're blessed--

And you can follow each other through dreams along a snowy timber line

Into a place you've never imagined nor seen before.

Don't waste it.

Don't name it.

But, woman,

Know that it is Holy.

If you would like to help wolves, go to


  1. I am at a loss for words. *sigh*
    I love this part...

    If she says,

    "you are mine"

    Then you are--

    Then you're blessed--

    And this...

    Don't waste it,
    Don't name it,
    But Woman
    Know that it is Holy.

    You expressed this PERFECTLY!!
    Thank You!!

  2. I feel that one all the way down in the center of my heart

  3. But if she chooses you... how powerful.

  4. Damn Right! This needs to be posted for every man to know! :) And for every woman to rememeber!

  5. Lovely piece! I like the strong ending here. Keep writing!!!

  6. I love wolves, and you have captured their beauty here.

  7. Once again, very passionate and beautifully written.

  8. I love "she will show you her back."


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?