Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Fool In Winter

If it were up to me,

Tears would be like snowflakes--

They would make me

Austerely beautiful.

And after all,


Like a woman's tears--

Offer no explanation

And only a fool would even ask.

If it were up to me,

What I was would not follow me

Into who I am.

And if I were clumsy,

Or frightened,

Or lonely,

Someone would say,

Shay, why are you shivering?

They would say,

Cookie, why are you crying?

And hold this

Winter fool.



  1. if i could, i would rat a tat tat on your door, wearing a yellow dress and stripey purple tights, and take you on a picnic, to a garden, where i just smelled the pollen and show you new the buds and say *believe* in me as i *believe* in you

    lovely poem...

  2. I'd hold ya!

    And I already think you're even more beautiful than the finest snowflake that has ever fallen.

  3. Thanks, Blackbird. :-)

    Hehe, K, I would pay to see that, truly I would! (((((((K))))))))

    Aw, my friend Tex. Thanks. At least you and K still love me.

  4. "If it were up to me,

    What I was would not follow me

    Into who I am."

    God, that's good.

    And, what about me? I love you, too! Why don't I count? Huh? HUH?

  5. Of course you count, Mama Zen! You count lots. :-)

  6. Do you publish these? You should really try!

    Love your comment on my mayor/sex blog btw.

  7. I agree with RK: You should get published. Really.

  8. This was so beautiful. I loved it.

  9. RK and Pouty...I'm waiting for that fabulous multimillion dollar offer. Care to wait with me? ;-)

    Thank you, Debbie!

  10. this is wonderful and wistful and gently meloncholic. i like it a lot.

  11. Thank you very much, Joaquin, and welcome to The Word Garden!

  12. Winter snowflakes and a woman's tears...who can count them?

  13. It's soon an impossible task, Scarlet. But seasons do change, or so the rumour goes.


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