Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, April 17, 2020

This Morning At Danny's Coffee Shop

A well-dressed bird talks on a cell phone. We only hear one side of the convo.

"Take the long view," advises the bird.

"Okay...just give me the nut of the problem." 

"They'll need seed money..."

"Piggy bank, nest egg...whatever..."

"Take a flyer? No...they'll take a bath."

"Yep, same old song. Bye, Robin."

A Friday 55 for my BFF at Verse Escape blog.

Today's birbs:


  1. Shay--We have two bird's nests on our carport. One in the window and one on a light. It's nice to hear the rustling of the birds... a bit of "life" and normalcy during this weird time.

    Nothing about your piece was bird-brained.

  2. How Galen would have loved this one--as I do. We might all feather our nests much better if we listened to the advice of such wise-cracking birds. Thanks for playing with all 55 words today Shay, and making me start this kickass weekend with a broad grin...or should I say horse-laugh, to go with the feathers.

  3. How my heart lifted when I saw we are at Danny's Coffee Shop today! Yay! Loved it even more when I overheard the bird on the cell phone. How do you come UP with these ideas?????????

  4. Shay, This is a delight. Thanks so much for the photo and the verse.

  5. I love it Shay! Wisdom that only a true bird could give! A wonderful poem to make a heart smile!

  6. Haha - sounds like he's really going to feather his nest! And I hear he used to be a real good egg. Bahaha - go to your room! And write some more! :)


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?