Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mother-In-Law's Tongues


as the edges grow
cutting open my body-womb
spirit sheath,
I speak the wound called poetry
blooming dying leaning to
the light.


A cameo poem for What's Going On?-- "A Cameo Appearance".


  1. Absolutely perfect. "The wound called poetry" - a new way to think about how we process life's pains and joys through our poems.

  2. Like all births birth of poetry is as painful and ecstatic. ..'leaning to / the light' is so perfect. "There is a crack, a crack in everything / That's how the light gets in"

  3. Love the wound called poetry - Pain and healing together.

  4. "My body-wound / spirit sheath" Wow. And "the wound called poetry" is also the bloom/leaves "blooming dying leaning toward the light." Perfect. We are somewhat like Mobius strips, planted in the earth.

  5. There is nothing like a succinct poem that gets right to the point, doesn't mince words! This is such a poem.

  6. You create so much attitude and emotion in a so few words - like a cameo indeed - Jae

  7. Your mother-in-law's tongues made me sit up, Shay. I especially love:
    ‘I speak the wound called poetry
    blooming dying leaning to
    the light.’

  8. As with all short syllabic forms, this one is often challenging as everything must be compressed and succinct while remaining lyrical, open and expressive. You aced it.

  9. "I speak the wound called poetry" -- And you do, with a voice captivatingly true and edgy and powerful.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?