Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hobby Horse


I should have known
when I offered Hobby sweet, lovely sugar cubes
and she just sat there
like, lobotomized or something.

Sing a song with me Hobby!
Tell me a story about horses!
Recite a fun rhyme!
Dance with me!

Or, just fall over on the floor. 

Doctor Dollie, Hobby seems sick.
She won't eat anything,
she hasn't used the bathroom, like ever
and seems out of touch with her body.

Neigh if you can hear us, Hobby!
Stamp your hoo--
Oh, right. 
Wink, then! 

Oh Hobby, I love you
even though you don't do anything
or say anything
or even seem to know I'm alive
just like Mommy loves Daddy!

Hobby, we shall ride the range
even though you're passing strange
I will love you, love you true
and never make you into glue

Hobby, wild horse of the western bedroom!
with a head full of fluff
and a body like a broom!
Hi-yo, hi-yo Hobby! Awayyy!

I will do everything!
Do for you and talk for you 
preparing me for marriage 
somedayyy! Hoorayyyyyy!

for  Poetics: "Running  With Horses" hosted by my friend Queen Cool Dora!

The adorable hobby horse pictured is available on Etsy from HappyHobbyHorsesHH. 

Music: Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band Equestrian Statue.


  1. And of such stuff(ed heads), dreams are made. Thick with irony, the cutting edge of "Doctor Dolly" and "Hobby" pontificating with our childish innocent dreams, dreams hard to wake up from. A classic Shay poem, grim and vulnerable. By the end, Hobby could easily be "hubby" in the context of marriage/Mommy & Daddy. (At least to me.)

    All this to say, I owe you a kingdom.

  2. This made me smile wryly, remembering how my generation was prepared for the state of marriage, but not its substance. Smiles.

  3. Hahaha. I always hated those things! You are so clever and I'm still snickering (or is that nickering?).

  4. It always amazes me how you can find something meaningful and unique in the simplest things. Toys, for instance, become a sinister vehicle for societal programming, taking the child into a morass of adult constructions. Also, excellent work with the metaphor, seamless and subtle. On one level, just a silly conceit about childish fantasies, on another, so much more serious about how our heads begin to be messed with from birth. Just fun, but also surreal and insinuating. Loved it.

  5. “just like Mommy loves Daddy!” Bwahahahaha!

  6. “even though you don't do anything
    or say anything
    or even seem to know I'm alive
    just like Mommy loves Daddy!”

    Gave me a good chuckle.😆


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