Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Poem About a Dream, With Shifting Tense


I dreamed you were there again
like a delayed letter in the mailbox
twined with thorns, slick with lipstick.

There you were, at my doorway
on my farm where I have never laid eyes
or set foot, nor sat cross-legged in the wild-grown meadow.

You were with someone new.
I was with someone new.
They were both starting to see how things are. 

Your hair, you know, it's like a pillow on a bed
where I long to be. And me, I have the key that you can't find,
as clunky as a cow's bell, as broken as an old washer. 

The guy you were with had begun to see the 
sunset behind your October eyes; I've known your full dark.
I'm here but obscured from the wildflower partner beside me.

I'm getting a vibe, like pixelated messages from space,
that your man would like to be mine instead, and drop his
heavy bags on my rag rug. I think my partner has checked out silently.

So there we stand, in a now that never was,
in a place we never were, playing out a scene like breezy clouds.
I see blackbirds on the split-rail fence, dipping, calling,
and feel my heart break apart inside my chest like a broken door handle.

for Word Garden Word List--The Jesus Cow

Music: Coldplay The Scientist


  1. The "Your hair" stanza is especially superb. It really grabs me. And the closing stanza Knocks. Me. Out. Just wow.

  2. What an epic prose poem - so very engrossing and pulls the reader straight in. I love the sense of remoteness and the back-story whispered and simultaneously silently shouted. Thank you also for your comment at mine. I have heard the song but didn’t know who sang it so another thank you - Jae

  3. The feeling of unreality most dreams have is really lost here, as everything in this dreamed space feels more real, more genuine, than waking life could ever be. The final line is stunning--so many, (or perhaps just that one, over and over) walked in and then left one time too many that the handle, the will, has lost the ability to shut out the departure or open to the entrance, yet the door swings anyway...or so I read, and the glint of each facet, each image is one of light shining through mist...or tears, perhaps. One of those top of the trees poems you write, your best and most soaring and most wistful, as only you can do it, Shay.

  4. Dream-weaving at its very best! The title set the stage for what followed .... I read your poetry and truly cannot imagine where you go in your mind, your fertile imagination ... as always, blown away.

  5. Always haunting, always beautiful. Love this section especially:

    "The guy you were with had begun to see the
    sunset behind your October eyes; I've known your full dark.
    I'm here but obscured from the wildflower partner beside me."

  6. Oh, the dreams we have, the almost touchable, the embraces of melancholy, regret...You are such a story teller. This one really took me in, made me feel. Beautiful

  7. Agreed with Hedge about the last lines. But I really like these too:
    “They were both starting to see how things are.” Which is so telling and ambivalent and how the world works. And:
    “Your hair, you know, it's like a pillow on a bed
    where I long to be. “ Well, I’m a sucker for that line.

  8. stunning and elusive. i love the "october eyes" stanza. it sure captures that lucid senselessness of dreams.

  9. Dreams are both amazing and haunting at once sometimes. I love how you can write of love and regret with such potency Shay! As always you make us feel the lines with imagery that only you could have brought to the page! I also really love that Coldplay song. Beautiful my friend!!


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?