Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Weight & Lightness


In morning, a thousand plans;
afternoon finds me recumbent
Hours become like contraband
and my plans undone but done with.

I feel unchanged, sitting by the window
but tire at the slightest exertion.
I watch as the evening bends low
and wonder at vitality's desertion.

But my mind! Imagination grown brighter!
While a simple chore leaves me breathless.
So I poeticize or read another chapter
and for the moment feel light, lifted, deathless. 

for What's Going On? -- March of Time.

I have been a sad child and a wild addict and a recovering person, a long-time employee, been married and raised a son, been divorced and started over, called myself straight and LGBTQ, and I end as I began, with a love of dogs and poetry. What a long, strange trip it's been, but I am happy where I have landed. 

Don't forget that the Word Garden Word List remains active through Sunday. 

Music: Fleetwood Mac Landslide


  1. You have led a full life, Shay. I have those days where I tire at slight exertion too, but - ha - the dogs help me fight it! I am glad that your imagination has grown brighter and that you continue to poeticize so wonderfully! As a fellow dog lover--I wonder if you saw my new pup - 4 1/2 months old. Two of those pictured have passed. Sadly. But then you can't stop time.

  2. I FEEL every lin of this poem. I know what needs doing - too tired, pushed off for another day. Unlike you, though, this malaise has affected my creative powers and the way words used to flow is no longer. However I am glad to be still here and writing anything. Your poems just keep on amazing, and I am glad I get to keep reading them. I'm happy where I have landed too - it is better than I could have dreamed. I got my wish. We've been lucky - or survivors - likely both.

  3. Line. Finger was too tired to type that extra letter.

  4. "I watch as the evening bends low
    and wonder at vitality's desertion." The level of energy in your day and mine are similar--as is the energy in the stages of my life. Now imagination is on the upswing, and
    "So I poeticize or read another chapter
    and for the moment feel light, lifted, deathless." Oh! "The child in my heart can rise . . . ." Thank you for the music.

  5. I am very glad you are happy where you have landed - and that your imagination and thoughts are not encumbered - Jae

  6. Time is powerless against those who 'poeticize'. Poets' words are immortal. 👍

  7. Perfect musical accompaniment for this. So many plans, undone, but done with. I am not sure we know where we fly in this life, but like migrating birds, we get there anyway, led from something within us. I love it, as always, when you rhyme.

  8. You come through, loud and beautifully, poetically clear, Shay. Your voice is sure, whatever your tread may be with age. Clear-eyed truth and beauty is what every poem should contain. I love to see it here.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?