Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kali Kaddish

you are some bitchin virus girl

a tiki queen

slipping in unseen

and i,

in my delirium,

set the curtains on fire simply by exhaling

as my arm falls limp towards the dazed plank floor;

no more


where are you going?

in my fever dream, you stepped out of the ganga

dripping wet

i know until now

until yet

you haven't quite infected the me you haven't met...

i keep a little chinese box

with my secret name inside,

behind seventeen locks

and a thimble full of pride--

your ivory earrings sway

when you're kissing me that way,


not there.

not that.


come back.



  1. You are so above and beyond the best at writing feelings - MY feelings - than I am.

    Excellent post! But I think it would be better with a golf cart...

  2. How did you get the idea for this one? Love it by the way.

  3. Many hands make light the work.

    You have been kind of whimsical lately!

  4. I'm glad my poems speak to you, PG. :-) As for the golf cart, it just took it a while to finally arrive...check out the next post. ;-)

    I wanted to get animal, RK. Me and Olivia Newton John. Just another slightly different style to express something.

    Well, Lou, I hadn't seen this poem as whimsical, though I suppose you could read it that way. Thanks as always for reading and commenting. :-)

  5. No whimsy there ... what is the opposite of whimsy .. cause that's the park this one is in

  6. Please, allow me a, LOL...I love how your writing brings a smile to my face :D

  7. Are you talking about the literal death of someone you love in this one?

  8. The poem is about being simultaneously attracted to and desperately afraid of a soul-stealing presence in female form.

    *the Succubus smiles quietly to herself*

  9. And perhaps you also penned The Davinci Code, but had nothing to do with the making of its movie which could not compare to the trunkfuls of thought within the secret chinese humidor of Louvre's promise.

  10. duh! i just *got* this! anyway, i love when i need to re-read a poem, this one called me back and i enjoyed it better the 2nd time round... xxx


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