Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Two Rondelets


Tell me, doctor
about disease, about malaise.
Tell me, doctor
what your nurse saw that so shocked her--
experiments that left their trace--
then, after you arrange your face,
tell me, doctor.


Pretty daisies
and daffodils around the lawn.
Pretty daisies
soothing agitated crazies
their natures all to hell and gone
mad in evening, calm at dawn.
Pretty daisies. 

Rondelets for "Fussy Little Forms" at Toads.


  1. Eek!!❣️ Leave it to you to bring the magic to the page! Love, love, love this especially; "Pretty daisies soothing agitated crazies their natures all to hell and gone mad in evening, calm at dawn." Beautifully executed!❣️

  2. Very handily built, Shay where the form is invisible, and I think it's a difficult form to make that happen. I can relate to both.

  3. Shay--
    Another form I've never tried--rondelets. I will have to check out this poetic form.

    And thanks for the box of shit you sent me. It's terrible when a person--me--sends someone (you) a package of poop, and then the poop comes back. (Did the postal service know they were delivering such toxic material? I doubt it.) The book? Ah, that was like icing on the... well, it was a delightful surprise. I will savor, enjoy and then review...

  4. I love how in each one, you hid a little something beneath the surface.

  5. In the second one I do think of Drusilla from Buffy... how pretty daisies can feel ominous... in the first one I feel other darkness rippling.

  6. These burn... ouch. Read together or separately. I love them, especially the first, which I imagine read through clenched teeth.

  7. Loved both, looks like second one hints at what the doctor isn't saying!

  8. You can pack a wallop and tell a tale in so few lines. I loved the mad then calm daisies best.

  9. Oh, my gosh, both of this hit me right where I live. I've faced the first one too many times with my family, and the second with my mother's Alzheimer's.

  10. Wow, those both have some real snap and zing to them.

  11. I will be more than a bit crazy if I can get my weight in daisies. May I?

  12. Love the mystery that flows through both your Rondelets!!


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?