Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, August 23, 2024



It's August and the cool spell is over.
Days heat up like love coming back
but you know this lover
and they be like that.

The walnut leaves look tired and dry
like an old washer woman's skin.
The tree's still lovely as the sun climbs high
but no May morning beauty again.

August and the flies on the screen
are in afternoon as crickets are to the summer moon.
I'm tired of tying my hair back and watching shadows lean;
let the smokey tang of autumn bring my first love back--soon!

for What's Going On? ("August")

And don't forget that the Word List is still active through Sunday!


  1. That's a lovely way of looking at it. Whilst August doesn't have the peachy blooming youth of May, its beauty is full and strong and solid, like a woman approaching middle age who doesn't taken any bullshit and still has an amazing jawline :)

  2. Wow, just wow! To me there is a feeling of nostalgia here..what once was beautiful seems to be waning. No May morning beauty again. But we have to enjoy what is, except for the flies on the screen! Your final verse makes the impending autumn attractive. And, ah, may that first love appear.

    I am sorry I cannot participate in your word list this week. I had been traveling the past two weeks, and this week there is a new pup in the house who needs a lot of attention. I will be back when I can. I do miss it.

  3. Such lovely imagery - fall like love returning - wonderful. Superb writing, my friend.

  4. "The walnut leaves look tired and dry
    like an old washer woman's skin."

    Incredible imagery, Shay!

  5. Filled as I am with a poisonous hatred for this month and all its broken promises of a relief that never stays, I still can find some beauty in it, some rightness, here in your calm and luminous words. I especially love '..the flies on the screen/
    are in afternoon as crickets are to the summer moon...."

  6. A sweet poem of August, will the first love return? Perhaps that is always the question. One could think about that for a very long time.
    Will he come back? Will he return again? A question without answer!
    Thank you for the lovely poem. annell

  7. As always your imagery brings the sting right to our skin Shay! I love the walnut leaves and old washer woman's skin. August definitely holds a harshness for us all. I too love Autumn and am anxiously awaiting it!

  8. So much to love here: "Days heat up like love coming back" and "let the smokey tang of autumn bring my first love back--soon!" "Walnut leaves" and "an old washer woman's skin." Flies and crickets, Etcetera. I particularly love the rhyme and near rhyme in this poem, and the desire for coolness--I'm so relieved now that nights are down to 60 degrees.

  9. August's yellow-brown complexion and weariness compared to the youthful May brings about a tinge of sadness. Still, "The tree's still lovely as the sun climbs high". I love the slant-rhyme used in the poem.

  10. You know I looooove your season poems, and your rhyme in this one is so smooth. August can get long in the tooth when you're pining for autumn. I love summer, but I do love autumn, too.

  11. "but you know this lover
    and they be like that." - fantastic. LOL!

  12. Some beautiful imagery nestled into this ode to August - Hope the autumn brings fresh skies - Jae


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