Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



The doorbell rang.
My pet rooster
George Washington Crower 
objected loudly.

Who's that knocking at my door
who's that knocking at my door
who's that knocking at my door
cried the ...  well, me at any rate. 

There, standing on tippy toes
trying to get a grip 
to climb in through the transom
was some dude.

I said hey there aardvark face,
monkey fingers 
jumpin' Jack trash Houdini,
what gives?

He say, I am here on behalf
of the half serious jolly jokers club
and we are having 
a half off sale. 

With that he tore off one shoe,
a trouser leg,
and one sleeve,
then bowed to the ring camera.

Straightening, he recited,
Who is Sylivia, what is she
that all our swains commend her?
I said that's cute, she is me, and all your swains can't mend her.

I am an antique,
an ancient wreck
a Hesperus on the rocks of bad poetry
but he climbed through the milk chute
quite dashing in his half-suit.
and won my favor with his drollery. 

for Word Garden Word List--Enter the Aardvark.

Music: Lazy Larry Barnacle Bill the Sailor


  1. Oh! My! God! I enjoyed this WAY too much. I dont know how you do it, am awed that you keep doing it and am so glad i get to read you. I especially love "and all your swains cant mend her." Smiles.

  2. I love how this skips and lilts along - a wonderfully clever flight of imagination - Jae

  3. Well, this is quite delightful, Shay. I especially admire the way you hide the knife under your ruffles and slide it in when least expected. The last stanza in particular charmed me, but I also love ".. she is me, and all your swains can't mend her.." and the up and down lilt of the cadence throughout.

  4. This made me laugh. You are the best storyteller. The visuals in this had me cackling "George Washington Crower". Only you could have a rooster objecting to a doorbell.

  5. I like him, he reminds me of Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder version! [ will catch your word list next week ]

  6. This was so much fun to read Shay!!! So many wonderful visuals this gives, and some rhyme thrown in to boot!!! Brilliant my friend!

  7. Love this:

    "I said hey there aardvark face,
    monkey fingers
    jumpin' Jack trash Houdini,"

    The whole think a great rollick.


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