Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Age Vivisection

Split open the bone--
Marrow creatures sit up, stand up,
Leave their fissured red beds and roam.

Don't mewl about forgiving--
I need to hate first.
Then, perhaps I can mouth easy pablum about healing;
Fire carried on a wind that's already blown.


  1. Holy shoot! I haven't heard that song in years! Excuse me while I track down the album...

    Bonus points for posting a live version of the song. :-)

  2. Phew, for just seven lines that was a marathon run--with a devastating and wild finish that cuts to the bone. The song was an excellent match--exhausting as hell to listen to but pure gold. Yeah--got to get the hating out of the way, out of the marrow. Fine writing in full compression.

  3. i need to hate first -> wow

    that's a heavy thing to think about

  4. let the hate out, cause what this world needs i love, love, love...(sprinkling flower petals in his wake) smiles. come on can i at least get a smile....

  5. get up leave your red beds and this call out to creativity....i have not been here in a while ..but i have not been anywhere in awhile...thanks for the shout out ..i hear it..bkm

  6. I have always thought there was something so true and stunning about real rage and anger
    your words reminded me of that

  7. Yup .. let that anger burn out and then think about forgiving ..

  8. That song goes perfectly with your poem. Well done.

  9. That is just an amazing image. Wow.

  10. No, we can't deny what we feel, whether it be rage or love...there's something to be learned from it all, chica.

  11. You always give me something to think about. I'll never get to sleep now!

  12. I think you have been rather clever in you structure here, the two stanza's seemingly disconnected, vivisized if you will.

    I think you first stanza is gorgeous: the obscure imagery intuitively falls into place and at wrenches the gut a good bit. When you write from the gut, you can never go wrong.

    well done and viva la

  13. wow! your words just kicked me in the gut and left me without a breath in my body! brilliant!!!

    the song is the perfect accompaniment!


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