Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Teacher says that every time a bell rings
she is awakened in the night and lies there
remembering the bay at San Sebastian.

The stars in the sky there are local,
drifting up from modest houses in Loiola.
They are as close as cats on a sill
and are able to both warm and wound.

Teacher says that when her heart beats,
she cannot sleep, recalling the day of drums--
the Tamborrada, and the clouds that gathered
in search of their pilfered thunder.

During the Aste Nagusia, or Big Week.
La Concha Bay is home to stilt walkers wearing
huge papier mâché heads. The calm waters
are like mothers who knew these giants as babies.

Teacher says that there was a man there,
or a woman, or an enchantment she cannot describe.
Perhaps all three, a trinity born of sangria, celebration,
and one bell beneath the drumbeat, a ringing bird.

On these recent nights, far from the Basque country,
she is startled by her doppelganger lying awake beside her.
The lesson she cannot teach is that neither knew of the other,
though the invitation was always there, a tongue in the bell,

Like an arrow in the flesh of a saint or an invitation 
to La Concha Bay, and the days to be lived beyond it.

for Word Garden Word List--The Book of the Dead
Music: Mary Hopkin Those Were the Days


Monday, October 14, 2024

Word Garden Word List--The Book of the Dead


Hello my little hauntlings! Welcome this week's Word List poetry prompt! It's October, the time when witches fly, apples get bobbed and mums adorn every front stoop. And so, I thought that The Book of the Dead: 13 Classic Tales of the Supernatural would be--ahem--a natural for our List!

Let me be clear. Your poem needn't be spooky in the least. Yes, I am on tenterhooks to read about your various ghosts and goblins (what ARE tenterhooks anyway? They sound awful) but you are perfectly free to write about the sweet little unicorn who lives in your candy jar if that thought takes hold in your tormented--

Okay, I'll stop. I'll stop! What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then simply link up, visit others, and wait until midnight when strange noises awaken you and a cold chill runs down your spine. OR, you get up to fix some tea and then settle down in front of a rerun of The Golden Girls. Either way works!

And now, your List:


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Abra Cadabra Alakazam


Oh my darling,
my one and only love,
watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat.

There is nothing dirty
about love such as ours.
Get a load of my white gloves. 

When two people join
in matrimonial oneness
or as volunteers from the audience,

Magic takes on its special sheen.
People just want to be seen,
not sawn in half,

And so we make each other more than we were
like an endless knot of scarves
pulled from our sleeves or our hair.

If I should suddenly disappear,
my angel, my dear,
let me let you in on my schtick...

(Though it may make you feel sick)
it's one of love's magic quirks
that that trick
never works!

for What's Going On? "Magic"

Don't forget, the Word Garden Word List is still active through Sunday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

An Ecclesiastical Fantastical State-Sponsored Royal Catastrophe Depicted Using Origami and Interpretive Dance


Used to be, I couldn't get arrested in this town
even if I sent the cops the photos myself, along
with a menu of suggested charges. 

I should have known, even if only on
an instinctual level, when they held the funeral
first, ahead of my arranged wedding

to some rich-ass fake wearing a rubber nose
and glasses disguise. He wanted to experiment,
but I guess he didn't mean on him.

We were such boneheads, we should have
used our noodles and not reenacted the battle 
of Hastings using pipe cleaner royals

but how were we to know they would seize
power the way they did? Now the cops are
accusing me of bags under my eyes

and deploying every trick in the book to
keep Melvin Belli stuck in traffic while some judge
throws the book at me. A best-seller! Is there

to be no end to my suffering? I am branded
with a red-hot haiku and shuffled off to Buffalo
where it snows all summer and there are no

book shops or street carnivals where a girl
could double as a stilt-walker or a ventriloquist,
speaking from on high this cautionary tale

about the dangers of poetry, Bunsen burners, and robed authorities.


for Word Garden Word List--Tomb Sweeping

Music: Gong You Can't Kill Me

Monday, October 7, 2024

Word Garden Word List--Tomb Sweeping


Hello my little Egyptologists! This week our List is taken from a collection of short stories entitled Tomb Sweeping by Alexandra Chang. I have not read it, so maybe the tomb in question is in Timbuktu, not Egypt. No matter! 

While paging through the book in search of good words, I came to the conclusion that this one is destined for the tall bookshelf in the back room, the one labeled BOOKS I WILL PROBABLY NEVER READ. There's still a chance, or I would just donate them, but the chance is slim. Again, no matter, because all we needed was 20 words!

What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then just link up, visit others, and then bask in the glow of poetic achievement! 

And now, your List:


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Para la Madre Diabólica

 She said that my hair
had turned the moon to ash
as if it were hers, a pet cat
mute in the silent sky.

What she meant was
that I had the wrong face
and the wrong voice, always
wandering from its glass case.

I slipped the crescent moon
through my hair like a garland,
then grew it long and wild,
my name at the root and the far ends.

for What's Going On? --"Hair"

Monday, September 30, 2024

Word Garden Word List--The Silent Patient


Hello my pretty punkins! This week, mum's the word as our List is derived from Alex Michaelides's 2019 novel The Silent Patient. It concerns a woman who seems to have it all until the night when she shoots her husband five times and from that moment refuses to speak a word. It is up to the (unreliable) narrator/therapist to find out what is going on with her. I quite enjoyed it, though I have seen it on one or two hate lists, too. 

I thought that, although there are no ghosts or goblins in it, that this book was sufficiently October-ish for our purposes! What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then just link up, visit others, and then help count the spoons at the local asylum where the Method of Doctor Tarr & Professor Fether is being strictly employed! 

And now, your List:
