Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Lucy the Tiger-Human Hybrid

 Lucy, the tiger-human hybrid
litigated against the lab and strutted out one day
to a clatter of cameras and bright lights.

She's all about mid-century modern.
Her home is all in avocado and burnt orange,
even her skin between the stripes. 

She is uncommonly graceful
but life is awkward. Women won't let her
hold their babies for fear of bloody murder.

She has difficulty finding clothes that fit her.
Terrified clerks back away big-eyed, never thinking
of how these reactions hurt her. 

On a friend's birthday, Lucy jumped out,
shouting "Surprise!" and the friend fainted.
These snafus happen all the time.

"Sweet ink!" crows the hipster at the coffee bar,
She does not correct him. "And you must work out!"
He may be just the guy she's had in mind.

At Lucy's house, retro fashion reigns supreme.
She and the kittens groove to the Stray Cats. 
Her man is strictly cutting edge and avant-garde.

Life is so much better now, she says.
Things worked out thanks to lawyers and latte,
and the only thing she charges is her credit card.

for Word Garden Word List--Apathy.


  1. Only you can pen a tale like this that keeps me grinning from first word to last. I love it all, home decor, her own colour, and especially the exchange with the hipster at the coffee bar. So much fun.

  2. A wonderfully complete and immersive world you guide us through - a real trip (if that's the right word!) - Jae

  3. Ha ha ha! WHat a wonderful story! Such character and such interesting little comments on society and the media and how things work. Love it!

  4. I like the story told here, with charm and wit as always, and vivid details included to make it all come together. I think it's just as well she went avant-garde and never met Tony the Tiger--he would have felt threatened. As usual, your work with the metaphor shines.

  5. Your words are as cutting-edge as her man! Love this so Shay!

  6. Love this Shay! Took me away from real life for a while.

  7. “These snafus happen all the time.” I just hate those snafus! The other day a baby walrus thought I was its poppa and I had to pay for two extra seats for it on the bus home. Or something like that. OK, fine, I lost the thread there, but still!

  8. " "Sweet ink!" crows the hipster at the coffee bar,
    She does not correct him. "And you must work out!"
    He may be just the guy she's had in mind."

    Ha ha! Love this :-D


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