Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Snow Day

Bosco 2003-2014

Zacky, my spring-heeled dog, goes bouncing into the middle
of the flyers around the bird feeder--
his pure simple joy as he watches them rise.
his tongue hanging out, his eyes alight, defies the winter.

We have had snow, then thaw, then rain, then refreeze.
The world here is icebound.
The rain pooled almost to the doorstep, but the
still frozen ground could not accept it and iced over again.
The rinks have endured for two weeks now.

My dog comes to the door, exhilarated, certain
that his mama will be there to let him in for a cookie and a nap.
I am his open door, his open heart, his centering sun.
Someone I know has just lost her dog--
she is crying. I am crying for them.

Two to four more inches is expected here shortly,
while winter plays the immortal.
As I hold my smiling pal, I think of my old dogs,
Sundance and Bosco, and how much I miss them.
They passed.
Winter will pass.
I too will pass, along with all my stuff and memories.

Today I will sit stroking Zacky and watching out the window
as the snow falls and falls. 
Winter will have its day but will fade, as will 
presidents and peacocks,
blue jays and babies,
a constant falling, 
with all of us aboard for the ride.

(Detroit Michigan, 2/13/25)

Written for What's Going On? "Landscapes."

Music: Dave Grusin The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter theme


  1. How wonderful to see Bosco smiling up at me today. Your bright-hearted boy. And then reading about Zacky, "spring-heeled", eyes alight. I love "I am his open door, his open heart, his centering sun." So lovely. There is nothing better than a poem full of dogs except the dogs themselves, so you know how much I love this poem. I resonate with the musings - that presidents and peacocks will fade. A wonderful read this morning.

  2. "They passed. / Winter will pass. / I too will pass, along with all my stuff and memories." I wonder if the bird feeder will remain, but I'm delighted that presidents will pass. The snow and iced in landscape of this poem lends itself to nostalgia and feelings of safety in the temporariness of it all. I love it.

  3. Wow, it sounds just like the weather WE are getting today. (After a long period of NO snow at all!) White is finally blanketting the ground. (Olive loves it and says hi to Zacky. I enjoyed reading about the relationship of you and your dog..) All schools closed for the day. Ah, these days bring out the nostalgia...Bosco and Sundance who passed, as winter will pass, as we all will pass. A day to sit and reflect!

  4. How wonderfully comforting this leaves me as I read the final verse - I am glad you have had the unconditional love of your pups - Jae

  5. I love that the dogs are part of the landscape, Shay, and the way you describe that landscape in these lines:
    ‘The world here is icebound.
    The rain pooled almost to the doorstep, but the
    still frozen ground could not accept it and iced over again’
    and these lines are poignant:
    ‘They passed.
    Winter will pass.
    I too will pass, along with all my stuff and memories.’

  6. As Twain said, "The more I learn about people, the better I like dogs. " Infinitely superior beings, not least in the comfort they bring.

  7. Is there anything like a dog delighting in snow? Gets us through the winter. That pup looks like a hoot and a half! Thanks!

  8. Bosco <3 Zacky <3 Brrr...definitely weather to avoid going out in and to cozy up with a good book instead. I love your final stanza.

  9. "Winter will have its day but will fade, as will
    presidents and peacocks,
    blue jays and babies,
    a constant falling,
    with all of us aboard for the ride."

    There's a quiet acceptance here, a reminder that we're all moving through time together, just passengers on the ride. Hauntingly beautiful.

  10. How lovely, Shay, and moving! The landscape comes alive through your words and Zacky's eyes. The cycles of life and its seasons come and go. Love endures. As does its song, as you so brilliantly sing for us and those who have gone before.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?