Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Word Garden Word List--Chouette


Hello my little life rafts! I have been drowning lately in a sea of disappointing--dare I say disgusting--books. Did I say a "sea"? It was just two, but allow me my dramatic moment. To begin: horror isn't a genre I read a lot of, and when I do it is almost always either Stephen King or Clay McLeod Chapman, author of the much beloved (by me) "Ghost Eaters." So, imagine my happiness when his new novel "Wake Up and Open Your Eyes" came out and I got my copy! It's about people who watch "Fax" News and turn into demented zombies. Sounds great, right? Well it wasn't. It was just gore, body horror, weird sexual situations, and did I mention body horror? right from page one. I got half way through and DNF'ed it when the family dog met a horrible end. Really, Clay? I'll never read you again. 

Claire Oshetsky. Stay away from me, Claire.

So I wanted to read something lighter and my eye came upon this 2021 novel called "Chouette" by Claire Oshetsky. The dust jacket features a wonderful woodcut of an owl sitting in some foliage. It's about a woman having an owl-baby and the problems that causes. It sounded like a charming little fable or fairy story involving birds--what could go wrong? Lots, as it turned out. This book was just as gory and disturbing--and even had a dog come to a horrible end!--as the one I just threw in the trash. 
This book shelf ain't safe!

Not wanting to DNF two books in a row, I hate-read this one all the way to the bitter end. Most reviews hail it as being some sort of genius statement on motherhood and feminism. My review differed. I saw it as the delusions of a mentally ill woman living in a fantasy world and exercising a destructive obsession regarding her owl-baby, who may or may not have actually been an owl or done any of the violent things the narrator claims. Don't read it, it's awful, a sort of cross between "The Bad Seed" and "Helter Skelter," but I do still like that woodcut. I may read "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" next, just to be safe!

What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then simply link up, visit others, and be kind to doggos. This prompt remains active until next Sunday.

And now, your List:

yabber-yabber (talking without saying anything.)


  1. OK, I won't read it! Smiles. There are enough good books out there. My poem, using your words, came quickly this time. I guess the words hit me where my mood was.

  2. Thank you for reminding me of the daily magic of my own little owl!

  3. Speaking of books, one you (and Mary) recommended to me) Light, Coming Back, finally arrived in my mailbox and I am enjoying it so much. Such fine writing, a good story...........loving it. I will try to crank out something this week, though the news has my spirit on the ground these days. It makes NO SENSE and will make life harder for we normal folk on both sides of the border. And I am too old to look forward to better years ahead. I have to live through this nightmare, along with all of you. I am grateful for you all.

    1. I am so glad you received it and are enjoying it!

  4. Did you ever read the 3rd Beartown novel?

  5. An incredible list from a dubious source , and your presentation cracked me up. Into the cauldron it goes.

  6. Thanks for the DNF list. Really killing dogs? Geez. As if there aren't enough terrible things going on. I'd love to participate if I can conjure up something worth reading. Thanks!!

  7. Gory and disturbing--yikes! But your review cracked me up :-)

    1. Jennifer, your site wont let me post a comment , oddly, but your poem is wonderful and uplifting!!!!! I loved it.

    2. Thank you so much, Sherry. Glad it was uplifting and you enjoyed it--that means a lot to me! Not sure what is going on with blogger!?

  8. I am reading, Parable of the Sower, along with two other books. Gory for no reason I just can't do it. Thanks as always for the inspiration.

  9. Not sure if you allow extra credit, Ms. Fireblossom, but I crafted a second submission. Feel free to boot it if this is entirely unacceptable. :-}

    1. My quality control officer, Zacky the wonder dog, has reviewed this and stamped it approved!

    2. Phew. Yay! Many thanks (treats!) to Zacky!

  10. 😂 I'm very sorry to hear about your book experiences, it is awful when that happens! Having said that, I'm delighted you shared your experience with us, it was very entertaining! I can see how you would be tricked into reading Chouette, that is a lovely book cover!

  11. A DNF and a Wish I Hadn't! Yikes. Word list looks safe though :)

  12. Sorry, Shay. I made a third one--it seems the muse just wasn't finished (with the List and Dora's!). Hopefully Zacky gives me a hall pass.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?