Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Edwina Eileen Etiquette

Edwina Eileen Etiquette
got all she could getiquette.
She caught her neighbors' Galliformes
and turned them into Maniformes.
Exclaim! Exclaim! (went other dames)
and loosed uncomplimentary names,
but were her needs all metiquette?
Edwina says, "You betiquette!" 

Galliformes = chickens and other large ground-feeding birds.

For day 7 and for "Just One Word" at Toads.


  1. Guffaw! I adore this, every word and its spirit. I've received some uncomplimentary names, probably not enough, I need to up my game. :)

  2. You without coffee have a brain that works faster than any four poets together on speed. This was so much fun.

  3. Your play with words letiquette me release some chuckles. Thanks, Shay.

  4. Lots of fun, love it. Your play on words is perfect,,, :-)

  5. Delightfully Suessical with the trademark Fireblossom charm. Love it!

  6. This reminds me of some of your earlier poems which created comical satire out of the foibles of your particular characters. Always loved them.. Here, I applaud the derivation of words.

  7. She appears to have the heart of a suffragette ...

  8. Goodness, only you can take etiquette to this delightful destination.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?