Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Saturday, February 12, 2022



Here I am, grime-faced at the bottom of a mine shaft. 
Here I am behind this ever-changing Halloween mask.

Here I am gorgeous, touched by God and given favor.
Here I am, so eat my dust, see you bitches later.

Here I am untouchable, unthinkable, unclean.
Ask dear mother, she'll explain exactly what that means.

Here I am quiet, just a watcher in the wings
made of shoes and ships and sealing wax, cabbages and kings.

Here I am inside a book, inside an old cocoon.
Here I am reflecting light as if I were the moon.

Here I am in love with you, a fool to end all fools.
Here I am, a joker queen who can't tell shit from jewels.

Here I am to dazzle you with swooping magic madness.
Here I am one hour more, paralyzed with sadness.

Here I am, an urchin girl without a pot to piss in
to fetch your smoking pipe and tell you where you can put this in.

Here I am for Jesus, here I am for Puck.
To those who'd like to pin me down, I wish you all good luck.

Line 8 taken from "The Walrus & the Carpenter" by Lewis Carroll.



  1. First, I was just struck by how good the rhyme and slant rhyme was, how it made those couplets march in tune and carry your flag so well. Then the shifting images of self caught my eye--all the duality, contradiction, ambivalence and pure shine. An excellent bit of craft, and also self-knowledge,Shay, not to mention great use of repetition and form.

  2. This is excellent Shay! So many wonderful images here. My favorite:
    “Here I am inside a book, inside an old cocoon.
    Here I am reflecting light as if I were the moon.”

  3. I absolutely love this Shay; the perfect flow of rhyme and imagery that brings to light and dark what is and is not. It has a matter of fact feel, but yet has a sad edge to it that makes it even more powerful!

  4. So much that is quotable, as you sort the shit from jewels. You land the poem here though: "Here I am for Jesus, here I am for Puck." That's what brings us home.

  5. I see a glittering diamond, turning in the sun, a million facets shining.

  6. Dang you still ring clear as a bell!

  7. No pinning down would be worth missing lines like this.

  8. Here you are. Truer poetic words rarely if ever spoken. Here you are.

  9. STUNNING! Just so damned cool, Shay, and you can't help it. Love the interweaving shades of light and dark throughout and the hints at some other deeper story. I loved reading this, especially these lines:

    "Here I am gorgeous, touched by God and given favor.
    Here I am, so eat my dust, see you bitches later."

    "Here I am for Jesus, here I am for Puck.
    To those who'd like to pin me down, I wish you all good luck."



  10. Nothing to add to what is already said.
    The acceptance of all the different beings we can be and the different characteristics we can have. Take them or leave them.

  11. Here you are in all your glory and your exceptionally amazing poetry. I love this.

  12. The rhyming in this is outstanding, Shay! I like the way you chose to change the self.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?