Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


 I felt bad, after
like a house of dirty windows
like my heart had hit a quicksand ditch going 90
and my ribs kept giving me a sharpwire bone-hug every time I breathed.

Kathy came by, 
crossed her arms
dipped her chin and said,
"Well don't you look like hammered crap."

Knowing I'm sober,
She goes, "Wanna get wasted?" 
and there's that shit-eating grin.
"Yeeeah," I tell her with a loud sniff and a lip twitch.
"Well you can't, stupid," she says.

Filling my coffee maker, she strings together some very inventive,
vile, and hilarious names for Ms. Thang until I finally snort and shake my head.
"You are one fine fucking mess
and more trouble than you're worth, you know that?" she says, tilting her head. 
I know that.
"And I love ya, ya goof."
I know that, too.

Then I am crying, and she is rocking, 
and the coffee maker burps and coughs like it might die, but doesn't. 


  1. Wow. Amazing to read, and must have been amazing to experience. You took me right into that moment. Your imagery and originality are, as always, incomparable.

  2. As Sherry says, immediate and powerful sketch of a time, a feeling, a relationship, and of course, light in dark places.

  3. you are a beautiful soul, shay,a beautiful glorious soul, so glad you're with us. as usual, this is sharply and expertly written

  4. This drew quite an emotional response from me. Taut and dry yet powerful, real. A wonderful write.

  5. "coffee maker burps and coughs like it might die, but doesn't." Couldn't be a better last line for this.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?