Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Monday, September 30, 2024



Two parents, tidy as mints on a pillow,
produce three children who float into the world
like bewildered but bright confetti. 

The first lives inside a camera,
clothed in instructions and operating
the mechanism from within.

The second lives in the courtyard,
raised remotely from an upstairs window
by the detached shadow of the first.

The third grows inside a smoker
and can barely see. It is assumed she will be
a servant or a sparrow, but she is a fissure.

The second hates the first
and hides inside the family car,
finally using it to elope with an accident.

The first is made of mirrors,
the second of fists. The third grows
eyes on its palms and holds them up.

The first is successful and becomes a living myth.
The second is successful and has a skin of diamonds.
The third is on fire, shifting in the wind.

This is the story of the farmer's wife
she cut out their hearts with a carving knife
have you ever seen such a sight in your life
as this family, so proper and nice?  

for Word Garden Word List--The Silent Patient

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