Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Saturday, December 18, 2021



Lorca-Hemingway is a fixture at the cafe.
His blood consists of La Marseillaise and dove-moons.
It pounds through his body like a glorious parade.

When I see him, I walk with back bent backwards,
slinking like a cartoon cat,
short of breath, tail-talking, stupid, exalted, way obvious.

Hand him your copy, he'll sign it in terse bluebirds.
He is his own hotel room, there's always
some blowsy blonde on the bed, quietly detonating.

Young men line up near his table, as if there were a war
or a desperate national need for Gypsy violins.
A waiter serves orange suns from embossed tin trays.

I paint Lorca-Hemingway's skin with brandy cologne,
so that all bullets turn away and take trains to Barcelona.
I send myself as a telegram into his latest masterpiece:
I am a peony petal inside a bud stop
you are a man and a girl and a secretary bird stop
angels inside you carry death and glory in little satchels stop

Now I conceal Lorca-Hemingway inside me like a trick lighter.
No one in the cafe can find him, but in the nick of time
Brett Ashley smiles with a cigarette in her lips and 
I flame!
Oh yes,
I flame.

for The Sunday Muse #191, where I am hosting one last time.


  1. just amazing, full of images from the open doors of perception, awake with visuals that keep you up all night. he'll sign it in terse bluebirds.My favorite is "he'll sign it in terse bluebirds..." tho the telegram is a close second. Inspired and exquisite writing Shay, and behind it perhaps just the slightest tip of a tongue in cheek.

    1. More than a tip, perhaps? Thanks so much for always being my #1 reader, Joy.

  2. Excuse the incoherence and double pasting. I am obviously not fully functional after reading this.

  3. Some mighty wonderful images flowing here Shay! I love dove-moons, He's his own hotel room, and the idea of bullets taking a train to Barcelona! Brilliant, fun, and amazing Shay!! Thank you for being such an awesome host and part of the Muse my friend. You will be missed greatly!

    1. I rewrote that "bullets" line about a hundred times before i was happy with it, so thanks!

      I'll be around, no worries. ;-)

  4. Wow, Shay! Hemingway would have eaten this up, you've got his fascination with Lorca and with the archetypal modernist women like Lady Brett Ashley just right and how! From the first stanza on you take us on a ride that doesn't let up until the final flame ignites. I love the playful imagery that gives it just that air of mystery, the just out-of-reach quality of machismo and a yen for lost romanticism. What a joy to read!

    1. I had fun writing this, and your kind comment just makes my day, imagining "Papa" grinning as he reads. Thank so much, Dora.

  5. From the dove-moon to the peony petal inside a bud - exceptional writing, as always.

    1. I only made it a "peony" petal at the last minute, so I'm glad you liked that, Sherry. My old neighbors had them all along the fence line and I loved them. The new neighbors put in gravel and park their stupid trucks there. :-(

  6. What a richly textured character study. He truly feels like one who is a legend in his own mind.

    1. Um, thanks? Not quite what I was going for, but glad you're here!

  7. This is just incredible, Shay, from start to finish! I can't pick out any particular lines as there's so many corkers, I'm spoilt for choice! His blood of dove moons pounding through his body like a glorious parade, him signing in terse bluebirds, the blonde on his bed quietly detonating, the waiter serving orange suns, the ending where you flame - it's all exquisite. Where is this party and why am I not there??!!

    <3 <3

  8. A poem to get lost in and return to as vivid lines return to mind. Glorious.

  9. Catman / Lorca / Hemingway ~ The perfect trifecta. Buyin' me a ticket on that train to Barcelona .. one for you too.

  10. Some really fun imagery in this. Two bigger than life... heads... melded into a gun-toting cat.

    Great stuff!

  11. Shay, I am so sorry to hear you have posted your fnal visual prompt. Your perspective regarding the prompt will be missed. But your creativd response will be continually present and embraced for its unique perspective and frequent wry wit and take-no-prisoners humor. I will visit you and learn the ways of your weekly Word List at your blog — and promise to try to be a less cntroversial guest.

  12. You had me at "Lorca-Hemingway"! Also loved the signature in bluebirds. Wonderful poem, Shay. I will miss your prompts, but hope to see your work.


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