Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ballad of the Lost Shark

 A song for the lost shark
at the bottom of the sea
A song for the notions
that line up perfectly
A song for the children
who once were you and me
A song for the west wind
and the nest high in a tree

Sing, sing, sing, for no reason
just because you can

A song for the lost car
rusting in a field
A song for the card sharp
who says shut up and deal
A song for the baby
who was born and then grew old
A song for the kind ones
who give their hand to hold

Sing, sing, sing for no reason
just because you can

for the shark down in the deep sea
and you there on the sand.


  1. I really like this message: Sing just because you can. My favorite lines were:
    z'A song for the children
    who once were you and me" -- makes me reflect on the passage of time.

  2. A lovely melody to take the ache away and form a note of praise in this world that's prime for song.

  3. I love the warm sing-song sweetness of this, Shay. Thanks for being one of the kind ones--it doesn't come without a cost, but at least it comes with a song.

  4. This is lovely, Shay. I, too, enjoyed the sing-song melody of it. I'm definitely glad for the distance between the shark and me. That closing couplet made me think of a friend of mine whose motto at the beach is that someone must always be further out from her when she gets in the water. Ha. She is actually one of the wisest people I know.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?