Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Mister Barbenstock


Mr. Barbenstock had eaten one of his students--
a little girl who sat in the third desk, 
far right row, a tiny ladybug in a hand-me-down jar.

There was a flurry of shrill criticisms from yappy parents,
the kind who weep at every brown leaf
and drive their sissy-ass cars to carnivals on Sunday.

Mr. B (as he was known at Grimoire Elementary)
stood out like bloody steak atop a birthday cake--
this bearded, uber-correct male among the ewes.

How many had he done this to? demand school paper reporters,
caps askew in the rough and tumble of a performative press conference.
What evil lies unsuspected beneath blah blah yadda yadda.

Mr. B. hears hummingbirds in his head; they alone can understand
his infinite lovesickness, lugubrious as an engine leak
in his smoking, whirring, damaged heart, hurting him.

Life has become a kind of constant translation for him--
bathtub to oceanside, mini-Cooper to Graf Zeppelin,
vacant, fidgety students to roaring throng of weird cryptids!

Mr. Barbenstock blinks. The prosecutor is asking for a cardinal number
denoting his victims. Everyone has grown up in a matter of moments.
It's a math problem! He begins to instruct, his forte where he hides.

for Word Garden Word List--Richard Blanco

Music: The Temptations I Can't Get Next To You


  1. The steak on the birthday cake is an image only you could have imagined. I love it! You convey his character, or lack of it, to perfection. Love the "mansplainer splain thyself" note, too.

  2. I think I saw this dude bodily removing climate scientists from NOAA HQ last week. Doncha love those incel twits, gaming in Mom and Dad's basement all night, eating Democrats all day. Amen and ahem.

  3. I love how you make the surreal appear ‘normal’ and could fully engage in the story which is as ever original and captivating- Jae


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?