Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mother-In-Law's Tongues


as the edges grow
cutting open my body-womb
spirit sheath,
I speak the wound called poetry
blooming dying leaning to
the light.


A cameo poem for What's Going On?-- "A Cameo Appearance".

Monday, July 29, 2024

Word Garden Word List--A.E. Stallings


Hello my little epic heroes! As promised, a special treat this week, as our List is taken from the collection "Like" by A. E. Stallings. I love her because she alternates between ordinary domestic situations and Greek myth with the ease of a circus juggler. 


What I particularly love about her poems is her deceptively easy-looking use of form and rhyme, which lends elegance to everything she has to say. Raggedy raggamuffin that I am, I hope to emulate her in this, but you may do as you wish and either rhyme or not, and use form or not! You can learn all about her and see examples of her work HERE

Meanwhile, what we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new original poem of our own. Then just link up, visit others, and then sit back and defend the pass at Thermopylae with all of your brave poet pals! This prompt remains active through Sunday.

And now, your List!


Yarn Ball


The devout go to graveyards, too.
numbered from the day we are born;
winter-bearers disguised in gentian blue.

Every cat knows the yarn ball has its end.
stitched into a world of glorious patterns
comprised of flesh, genomes, accident, atoms.

I am the baby playing in the April clover
riding inside the disappearing bone-brittle
biddy, herself a rider who with Charon must settle.

In between I live my dream within a dream
within a buzzing hive of urgent ephemeral illusion,
a corporeal toy. an aspect of God, in a barrel on a waterfall stream.


for Word Garden Word List--A.E.Stallings

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hobby Horse


I should have known
when I offered Hobby sweet, lovely sugar cubes
and she just sat there
like, lobotomized or something.

Sing a song with me Hobby!
Tell me a story about horses!
Recite a fun rhyme!
Dance with me!

Or, just fall over on the floor. 

Doctor Dollie, Hobby seems sick.
She won't eat anything,
she hasn't used the bathroom, like ever
and seems out of touch with her body.

Neigh if you can hear us, Hobby!
Stamp your hoo--
Oh, right. 
Wink, then! 

Oh Hobby, I love you
even though you don't do anything
or say anything
or even seem to know I'm alive
just like Mommy loves Daddy!

Hobby, we shall ride the range
even though you're passing strange
I will love you, love you true
and never make you into glue

Hobby, wild horse of the western bedroom!
with a head full of fluff
and a body like a broom!
Hi-yo, hi-yo Hobby! Awayyy!

I will do everything!
Do for you and talk for you 
preparing me for marriage 
somedayyy! Hoorayyyyyy!

for  Poetics: "Running  With Horses" hosted by my friend Queen Cool Dora!

The adorable hobby horse pictured is available on Etsy from HappyHobbyHorsesHH. 

Music: Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band Equestrian Statue.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Flight of the Arctic Tern


Come on this polar expedition
they said.
It'll be fun.
You might meet someone
bring a gun
they said.

Where are they now, those golden friends
with their golden 
spilt ends
and their friendship that never ends
written on a napkin
in pencil?

Oh, wire cage towel mother,
how about a hug?
How about a rug to take a nap on?
All of this pretty blue ice
seems to be getting the best of me
lo these
many years on the floe. 

Oh, furious angry white bear with your
cotton-ball cubs
somebody loves you, don't they?
I could tell
as you were shredding me all to hell
that you were the white carpet type
with the correct wine
a smart address
and annual membership at the wishing well.

I'd like to be an Inuit with a movie library
here on the hard-pack.
Given six months of sunlight,
I could repair the damage from the constant calving
and get right. 

I'd go home, with my raging PTSD carefully cradled
in a nest of newspapers 
inside my luggage. 
The airline would charge me extra to carry it
and make me jump out
after calculating
altitude and windage.

Hello dear friends, I'm back
I would say
landing hard at Cuckooville Subdivision
in a spray of
wing ice and duty-free fragrances
direct from nowhere
where your children are doing well,
your husbands are golf course gods

and you,
oh you,
pretend not to notice that I'm sliced to smithereens
hanging unfashionably upside-down
like the tongue 
who once brought music
to your bell.

for Word Garden Word List--Where'd You Go, Bernadette?

Music: Donna Lewis Agenais

Monday, July 22, 2024

Word Garden Word List--Where'd You Go, Bernadette?


Hello my little eccentrics! I am running a little bit behind getting the List up for you this afternoon but am working my happy behind off to deliver it to you in good order.  This week our source is a 2012 novel by Maria Semple entitled Where'd You Go, Bernadette?  (There is also a movie version.) 

Maria Semple

The book is quite a hoot, and worth it just for the bit about the blackberry vines. You'll see, if you read it! 

What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new original poem of our own. Then just link up, visit others and then bask in the perhaps unexpected place where your poem took you. 

And now, your List!

bitch goddess

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Way It Looks

Oh your friends call you Lily Faloma
but that's not the way that you are
It's too much of a gentle misnomer
for a shooting star
                                                 --Al Stewart

It's not the way it looks
the moon in the sky
your face in the mirror
the thing that was done or not done. 

It's not the way it looks
the moon, lonesome rock out in space
ask the fascinated tide
about the gravity of lit soul

It's not the way it looks
your face in the mirror so lined
ask the devils, those angels that free you
from a birdcage of bones 

The mirror limits vison
the moon limits sense
and everything you are or are not
will, in time, incandesce. 


This song has been on my mind for days now. The woman he's singing about reminds me of me.

Al Stewart Song On the Radio


Monday, July 15, 2024

Word Garden Word List--Richard Wilbur


Hello again my versifying valorous flock! This week our source is the poems of Richard Wilbur. Find copious information about him, as well as many of his poems HERE.

I have chosen him because I feel a sharp thirst for poets who employ rhyme and form in their work and Wilbur fills the bill very nicely, though I have a stupendous example to use in a future List once her books arrive and I have read them! Shh, it's a secret!


What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then just link up, visit others, and then sit down for an enjoyable episode of your favorite old tv show! This prompt remains active through next Sunday.

And now, your List:


Bird Watching

grackle, expounding

A cowbird and grackle were in disagreement
over a definition of terms.
Astride a dead sparrow, its small breast pierced,
the grackle explained this action
in terms of disbursement of seeds. 

The cowbird objected, arguing that the grackle
was a cheat, ending a life
already in progress and pointed to the ashen sparrow,
non-renewable, lying still
as a stone and twice as useless. 

Don't get holy with me cowbird, scoffed the grackle.
You're nothing but a flim-flam bird
and a deadbeat parent, letting the other raise your brood
by knocking the originals
out of the nest like so many shucked hulls.

Murderer! they both cried, each to the other with scorn.
The grackle strutted about,
proud and righteous, while the cowbird sang the faux
river in its throat,
that beautiful false flow from which none may drink.

I saw all this from my window, an avian stage play
with knives and subterfuge.
All day until dusk I turned over the problem of who
was in the right, but was interrupted
by a million starlings screaming for either, or both,

or just to hear their own voices in cacophony as the
weary sun gave up the yard to shadows and moonlight.

for Word Garden Word List--Richard Wilbur.  

The cowbird leaves its eggs in other birds' nests; the hatchlings shove the parent bird's eggs out and run the parent ragged feeding the cowbird chicks who are often much larger than the bird's own chicks would have been. Also, the adult cowbird can make a sound that sounds like gurgling water. You can hear it here:

As for the grackle, they are sometimes bad neighbors at the feeder, stabbing smaller birds with their beaks or raiding other birds' nests and killing the babies. They don't always do this, but sometimes they do. I have been feeding the birds for over 20 years and there have only been one or two years when the grackles were like that, but when they are, they're relentless. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Black Blooms


If black flowers gave the earth its bones
and with their roots made purpose for a heart
could they--in profusion--each bloom alone
when innumerable leaves keep petals apart?

I bring you black blooms
which in dreams were red
strewn on a grave
which must do for a bed.

If black flowers' heads nod with heat
as a lover's will when told it's over
will frost only make them more discreet
and scornful of the simple clover?

I bring you black blooms
which October will kill
with inevitable, merciful
pitiless skill.

If black flowers die in a devil's vase
will November lament it's empty sill?
And will I curse your indifferent face
like black blooms preserved in a frozen rill?

Monday, July 8, 2024

Word Garden Word List--Whisper Down the Lane


Hello my gabbling grown-ups! What if... what IF... something you had done and thought was far behind you started gaining on you? Yes, you with the steady job and respectable situation; what if someone or something from yesterday's mistakes started leaving you little messages, little reminders that all is not, after all, forgotten and not nearly forgiven? Why, then you would have Whisper Down the Lane by Clay McLeod Chapman, and you would also have the source novel for this week's Word List!

Clay McLeod Chapman

I first found out about this author when I read Ghost Eaters, a novel that knocked me off my chair, out the window, and into next week. Alas, I have already used that one as a source. I think. Maybe. Perhaps. Where am I? Who are you people? Oh yes, my Listies! So, I bring you another one I loved by this author. Or, at least the ensuing 20 words taken from it. 

What we do here is to use at least 3 of the 20 words provided in a new, original poem of our own. Then just link up, haunt, er, visit others, and then relax in the security of your sweet and blameless circumstances for as long as that lasts. *smiles benignly* 

And now, your Word List:




Here's a secret:
summer isn't real. 

It's a replica cooked up in an industrial oven somewhere.
Want to know 
how I know
how I know 
want to know?
hmm hmm hmm?

Sugar, I could enlighten you about a few things,
lay out the deets like an Alexa  but with way better hair.
You see, the real summer, 
the one we grew up in like 
wogs in a puddle with our
bikes and Kool-Aid and
sense of endless warm nose-in-the-green-grass days ahead,
she's gone, my dude. 
They have her secured at Gitmo or Bethesda or somewhere,
trying to find out HOW, like HOW, summer? Give it up already!
She's a clam, she tells them to fuck right off, so there she stays.

This new summer, the one we're in now
like koi fish swimming around saying looky,
our orbit is decaying, mayday mayday!
water temp rising, abandon ship!
This cheap knock-off, this ersatz season, is as fake as an Eligible Bachelor
with a certificate of authenticity laminated and embossed
with a realistic official seal sticking out of his man purse. I mean
gimme a break.

You don't know me and shit, I get that.
I could just be somebody off their meds
or trolling you because because because...
because that's the wonderful thing she does!
So here is 
and it is the truest sentence that I know:

I long for Fall, because Fall knows me, keeps the windows
yellow-lit and has my long sweater ready, laundered
and scented, laid out next to my cute sox and funky newsboy cap;
Fall wants me, lets me know that I am a work of art and a woman
in the right flesh at the right time to carry the right soul  and a mug
of hot mocha straight into an October morning and live there.

Now imma cry and bake in the phony replacement sun
and maybe if you're any kind of friend you'll say shh shh
baby and tell me softly
in my ear
about leaves
and frost
and hope
and all that happy hopscotch,
Hang a while with me 
and be my balm in Gilead, 
 my Saint Anthony to the lost.

For Word Garden Word List--Whisper Down the Lane

I kind of lifted my man Ernest's words for that one part. No wait, it's an homage!

Music: Fontella Bass Rescue Me

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tulips In Headscarves


Rain comes at night
wandering between buildings,
wearing a long black coat
and the silent hours.

Pink tulips beside the walk
dip their heads,
delicate and disappointed
as fallen birds.

Slate roofs facing the moon
shine for the rain
but feel nothing, admit nothing
aloof and blank.

Rain is the sky's child
but dies earthbound.
Tulips in their headscarves
mourn in

For What's Going On? "Rain".