Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Our Bear

Our bear
smells like an old cottage rug;
is partial to sleep
and us
and loaf
and jug.

Our bear
dreams of honey hives;
leaves the shine of
Ursa Major
and Minor
in our eyes.

Our bear
is our bruin castle keep;
we whisper in his ears
one left
 one right
constellated, constant, sweet. 

for my BFF's weekly 55 thang


  1. That first stanza is so perfect, such a fairytale opening, and the rest of the poem lullabyes it along to a very sweet dream plane, where bears are good for more than being driven to raid garbage or die on ice floes, where we love them instead of destroy them, and so earn love ourselves...I especially enjoyed the reference to the bear stars, and the way the last line ties it all up in a dusty rose ribbon. A warm and ursine 55 I am glad you got your paws around, Shay. Thanks for playing, and kicking the weekend's derriere.

  2. Aw, indeed. This is as cozy and safe as it gets without a whisker of the typical to it. Last stanza is perfection--as you say -- "constellated, constant, sweet."

  3. Love that their bear's dreams affect the way they see things. It can be scary, to be touched by what another dreams/sees/feels... but there is so much trust in this relationship, that fear has no place.

  4. Goodness this is cuddly. It brings up my teddy bear moments..few I might add.

  5. This is most beautiful. The picture itself is gorgeous, and in the words of John Irving, 'Everyone needs a good bear'. A magical poem.

  6. makes you want to slip into the screen, and get lost in the image, and dream sweet dreams ... exhaling out all cares and worn threads, even if they have yet to come .... to dream in quiet comfort ... yes, this is sweet - but not saccharine ... like being lulled in this most engaging embrace ...

  7. Bears, wolves and dogs.......the very best kind of love-bearers. Smiles. I loved this.

  8. you magic again here, a weave and a deft heart-string pluck ~

  9. Oh! Such a sweet poem. I found this so touching. This makes me feel rarely cuddly. As Pooh says, I am a bear of little brains. Picture is beautiful and so full of trust. Sigh....

  10. PS. Rose Red and Snow White was one of my favourite fairytales - and I referred to my two girls by those names when they were kiddies.

  11. I enjoyed your write about your bear! What a sweet bear!

  12. I love this so much! I especially like the bear smelling like an old rug - very likely so, but I would breathe the smell in deep!

  13. My comment disappeared. This poem is so sweet. I love the bear smelling like an old rug - very likely so, but I would breathe the smell in deep!

  14. Sherry--this is an old poem I wrote using the same image that is up at Muse today. And so, because it is an old poem, moderation is on.


  15. Shay, I'm glad you dug this out of your archives. It fits perfectly...this bear with so much personality!

  16. Our bear is a very, very, very fine bear ~~~~ couldn't resist.

  17. My bear is a very, very, very fine bear ... couldn't resist.

  18. My bear is a berry, berry, berry fine bear ... couldn't resist.

  19. "Our bear / smells like an old cottage rug" -- awesome. I also really like the rest of that first stanza. Very intimate for the "us" to be as desirable as loaf and jug.

  20. This makes me want to cuddle with a bear! The imagery brings a new and different light to the image! I love your old poem as much as your new one Shay! Two for the price of one!! It's a win win!! 🤩🌹

  21. I like the idea of a "bruin castle keep", only one of the many engaging scenes you've given us!

  22. Sorry Shay, guess I didn’t get the hang of leaving comments on archived poems.

  23. I needed a cuddle this morning...Love it as much if not more than the first time I read it.

  24. Our bear! Love the sense and secret of this!


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