Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I would like to thank Paige for this Sisterhood Award! It is always suh-weeeeet to be recognized with these things.

I imagine there are rules and like that, but you know how I get.



  1. Congrats!

    (I just found your other blog and I love it. I think my toaster is jealous.)

  2. Enjoy the award. You deserve it!

    PS - K mentioned your "other blog" (?)... I'm off to see what that's all about.

  3. Yes, we know how you get, but we love you anyway, Sister!

  4. I gotted one too. And it's going up on my page, right next to my Scary Clown.

  5. Hi Sisterhood friend! How great to see your blogs, they are beautiful~


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?