Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Back-Up Bliss (Blues Lyric)


You know I love you baby
you know I crave your kiss
you know I love you baby
you know I crave your kiss
so don't act all broken-hearted
when I say that you're my back-up bliss

Slip out the back door baby
when you hear the front door key
slip on out the back door baby
when you hear the front door key
now don't get sad
dontcha get all mad
cos back-up bliss is what you are to me

Come and rock me baby
smooth and sweet as summer wine
come on and rock me baby
as smooth and sweet as summer wine
main squeeze ain't got nothin'
that could make me give up this
time with you, my cool and crazy back-up bliss

Process notes! I was blasting Robin Trower's Rock Me Baby while putting away groceries. Now there is a coffee creamer I just have to have, called Natural Bliss brown sugar oat creamer. The store doesn't always have it, and it lasts for months if it isn't opened, so when I get about half done with my current jug, I buy a back-up before I get too low because running out just isn't happening, not at my house! So, I was putting away groceries and grabbed the new Natural Bliss and said, "Oh yes, my back-up Bliss!" That's when the light bulb came on over my head. Sounds like a blues rock song! And voila! Here it is, with tongue firmly in cheek!

Music: Robin Trower Rock Me Baby


  1. I love it. And am bummed i cant get that creamer in Canada.

  2. Always gotta have a back up when it is bliss! I love this too Shay! Now I just wish I could hear you sing it!

  3. Haha! I love it!! If the coffee ain't right, ain't nuthin' right.

  4. Bliss is where you find it, and it can definitely give you the blues, tho not in this delightful offering. Don't mess with the cofveve, man!

  5. I was rocking away to this beat, and you got the beat, don't you doubt it! That "back-up bliss" is special, no doubt about it. (And I can hear Louis Armstrong saying it just like that! )


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