Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Bogus Line


You crawl along the marrow in my long bones
and at the base of my skull, whispering in my ear.
You crawl between my legs 
and curl around my teeth and fingernails.

"Let's get fucked up." 
Even after all this time, 
there you are, my old frenemy
offering your false comfort.

I'm not the lonesome kid that I was anymore,
the one who skipped the day when they taught the language
that gets you in and gets you by.
I was with my almost-twin, the future suicide.

"Let's check out," 
The worst I'm gonna do is oversleep,
so save it, killer. 
I know you're lying cos your lips are moving.

You're the dark alley with roses at the way in.
You're the lover with zip ties in the pillowcase.
I'm the woman walking alone for miles and miles and miles. 
I'm the woman who knows your moves and bogus line.

I'm not the lonesome kid I was anymore
but never learned the language, so made up my own--
It's killer stuff and I'm
whistling past the graveyard on my way home. 

I went looking for a poetry prompt and found one HERE. I used #3, to describe the sensation of listening to a favorite song in a language you don't understand. I chose Patricia's Mes Reves de Satin (Nights In White Satin.) I do know some French, but I'm not fluent. 


  1. Ka-POW! Fantastic writing! So strong. You knocked this one out of the park.

  2. A triumph of craft, poetic spirit, and personhood. So much I could crow over in the flow of thought and poetry of expression, but what captivates me is the tone: simple, strong, beautiful in its resolve.

  3. Who but you writes the pull of destructive attraction/addiction better? I've known that wrestling with a snake or two, and know your words to be true--and loneliness to be a weak point where the whispering digs in. The strength in this is fantastic, and so admirable. "Whistling past the graveyard on my way home" gave me chills, the good kind.

  4. Determination wins out. in this see-saw of independent and dependent. Yay you!

  5. "but never learned the language, so made up my own--
    It's killer stuff" You can say that again.

  6. Well, this is classic chilling Shay. Like the origin story of a bogeywoman you definitely don't want to meet. But always still beautiful. I've saved those poetry prompts, they look awesome, thanks for sharing the link.

    For some reason, this line is so striking to me: "I'm the woman walking alone for miles and miles and miles."

    And the first stanza reminded me of the song:


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?