Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, May 3, 2024

A Vagabond Hour


It was just an afternoon in a blur of afternoons
scattered in a line like a row of troll dolls.
Where is the screen porch where we played
when an hour was long and a year eternity?
Where are the mud pies we put in tins?
Where are those houses, those girls, that summer?

I found a box, and in that box, a vagabond hour returned. 

On a steel rack at the foot of the basement stairs
was a parade of winter coats in plastic sheaths
crowned brightly by hat boxes across the top.
One yellow box had a silhouetted carriage on the lid
and we swooned at the idea of suitors arriving 
as we stood tip-toe on a fold-out stool, snooping.

I found a box, and in that box, a vagabond hour returned.

Best friends, families, afternoons, troll dolls
all scatter, our solid center become fragile 
bric-a-brac. Today a package came, and in it
a yellow hat box, and in the hat box, the scent
of my late aunt's house, my childhood, and an afternoon
in summer 1966, perfectly preserved and vivid.

I found a box, and in that box, a vagabond hour returned.

for Dverse MTB: Boxing Clever to The Bop.

One day I received a package containing a book (which I changed to a hat box in the poem). The book was inside a plastic sleeve, and when I took it out and opened it, I was instantly back in my aunt's house as a child. I think the book had been kept at some time on a shelf where someone had used the same furniture polish as my aunt used. In any event, I buried my smiling face in the pages and breathed in that long-forgotten scent.  As for the troll dolls, mudpies, screen porches and coat rack with the yellow hat box on top, that was all stuff that I remember from childhood.

Image at top found on Pinterest. 

Music: The Grateful Dead Box of Rain


  1. An intense pleasure to read, Shay. "The vagabond hour returned" filled with all the magic that childhood invests in our remembering hearts, comes back "perfectly preserved and vivid" in these golden lines.

  2. This was wonderful to read, taking me back to those childhood days and the items that can bring back those times. I suddenly remember my grandma's button box, which I got to play with at her house because there were no toys. I also used a deck of cards to build little pig houses for the wolf to blow down on long winter afternoons. Simpler times. I love the repeated line. Loved the whole poem. Troll dolls I remember from my kids' childhoods. The only trolls in my childhood lived under bridges in fairy tales. Smiles.

  3. Shay, I enjoyed reading your bop into the past. Your imagery brings the scene to life. My mother found an old hat box amongst my grandmother belongings and when I placed the feather hat on my head a flood of memories came. Your poem brought back that day.- Truedessa

  4. The story is in the details and this has so many that bring the poem to life. You recreate the child's eye view so well. Lovely poem...Jim

  5. and then the vagabond found a centre in the past as core! I really enjoyed reading and re-reading this poem Shay

  6. I had to read your Bop several times, Shay, and each time I found something new in it. Thank you for the background story about the book – I’ve had a similar experience with something that took me back to my grandmother’s house, where I grew up. I enjoyed all the memories in your poem, the questions in the opening stanza remind me of thoughts I have had. I especially enjoyed the ‘parade of winter coats in plastic sheaths / crowned brightly by hat boxes across the top’ – you just don’t see hat boxes nowadays!

  7. A wonderful walk down memory line, all the sense of growing up... and yes I did have a Danish troll-doll... even boys had it here, and of course I had to have one since my little sister had one.

  8. Wonderful write Shay. That steel rack, and all that it try held, was vivid

  9. Oh My! Gobsmacked at the moment .... and Bop-smacked too. A wonderful response to the challenge, Shay. Wonderful trek down memory lane.

  10. A delightful hour--and one well-spent! Those moments when we are taken back to wonderful memories are a treasure. Your poem puts it all together magically and I found myself reminiscing on my own fun memories. Those hours spent playing and fantasizing in childhood are important work, I think! Burying your nose in a book that smells like your aunt's house in childhood, how much better can that get!

  11. You vividly bring back that lost hour, which of course is an amalgam of every hour we spent as freshly opened buds before the world blew our petals down its spiral road. I love the feel of this, Shay, full of remembrance of some of the little things we too often forget that made us who we are. The form is very musical, even though unrhymed, and adds to the sense of the past you evoke.

  12. This is wonderful, Shay! It reminded me of childhood, and scents worn by relatives that were dear to me.


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