Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Big Sur


Back in bus-and-duffel days
turned out, less to than away,
half-high, with no plan,
I went up the coast.

San Luis Obisbo, Carmel, San Fran
and on up to Portland.
That's where we go now
--people my age--
but this was then
when I had no means, no ways,
and just my naivete.

Out in the water, somebody said
to watch for the whales.
They live in the dark underneath,
and like me, come up, then back down
without learning a thing or so it seemed.

On the bus some guy liked
Gordon Lightfoot
You've Been Talking In Your Sleep. 
He spoke my language like a native
better than the pidgin kid that was me.

He told me a blue whale's heart
weighs as much as a grand piano
and can be heard from two miles away.
Bye daddy, behind me down the coast--
thanks for kicking me out.

I wondered, as Seattle became B.C.,
what if it's all just big empty water,
and me lugging some big booming beater for nothing?
Or what if I'm all ears
but the watersong was never for me?
What then? 
And what now?

I look out these days not at California coast
but at Michigan lakes,
cold and deep, choppy or still.
I know only that I still don't know
and never will.

for What's Going On? -- Whales and Other Wonders.

Music: Bobby Womack California Dreamin'


  1. Wow, Shay, you knocked it out of the park. That blue whale's heart! Amazing. You took me back to my own coastal travels, and I resonate with the naivete, no means, no ways. That was me, too, back then. A wonderful poem. So happy you wrote it.

  2. I am ocean-floored, again. I love this whole poem, and those last two stanzas, so deep blue, so flooded with emotion, yet with your keen and sensitive pen you splice through and get to "it" subtly without out drowning us while doing it. "I know only that I still don't know" how you do it, Shay. I like Gordon Lightfoot a lot. You probably already know the title of his song "Carefree Highway" was inspired by the sign for it here in Arizona along SR 74. I also really like your tag "how long can you hold your breath?" Ok, I will come up for air now. :-)

  3. I really enjoyed reading about your adventure. How exciting to bus it to the coast with no plan and see what adventure was to be had and what people to meet. I don't think I would have been brave enough! But I identified with that song "California Dreaming" as well back in the day! So you think people your age now head to Portland? I was there once, but wouldn't necessarily yearn to return. San Luis Obisbo is another story! Loved it.

  4. "They live in the dark underneath,
    and like me, come up, then back down
    without learning a thing or so it seemed." I wonder if we ever knew what the journey was for back then? Now, it seems to me, that we were in the presence of mystery, and that was the whole point. I cherish these memories. I'm glad you (we) survived. Good poem. California Dreamin'.

  5. Love this Shay. It wraps ‘round my wanderlust and carries me along.

  6. Back when time stretched on forever and the heart was as big as a wheel of fire in the sky...or as a whale's, swimming in the deep underneath. Masterful use of metaphor in this one, Shay.

  7. It's a watery world, Shay my friend, and if it's not all around us, it's leaking our of us (no pun intended, just happened, ok?). I love your words, your heart for poetry, music, life, people. Because that comes through every pore and syllable of the art you breathe out so naturally to us who bask in its grace. It's a gift. May it bring healing. May it bring hope, remind you of the love that has hold of you.

  8. I enjoyed the exotic feel the poem has and the speaker's attitude to life. "He told me a blue whale's heart / weighs as much as a grand piano / and can be heard from two miles away." Such startling lines fill us with such beautiful vibes.

  9. "what if it's all just big empty water, / and me lugging some big booming beater for nothing?" Oh damn that's good. Amazing to pivot yourself into the whale, out alone in the empty sea.

  10. I love your musing over the whale and its analogy against your own personal journey. Beautiful and with a lovely stoic emotional restraint that for me, gives it more depth.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?