Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Two Poems To Go With Daryl's Photographs

Hello readers. My dear and talented friend Daryl, of the Through My Eyes blog, has teamed up with me in hopes of entertaining you with our combined efforts. The following two poems are mine, written specifically to go with Daryl's original photographs.


She liked to sit out on the porch swing, did Aunt Dee.

Of a summer evening, she liked to watch the people go by.

She would say to me,

--about strangers walking down Albe Street--

"That one's got a heavy care,

This one's dreams are passing odd--

That one's a diddler with a wormy brain,

And this one shines and is touched by God."

Once she saw black horses high-stepping down the cobblestones

With somber plumes above their handsome heads.

I looked and saw nothin'

Except Mrs. Winton unloading her groceries and yelling at her boy to come help.

Aunt Dee turned kinda gray, like bad weather rolling in,

And three days later, Uncle George fell down the basement stairs on his way to fetch a screwdriver,

And snapped his neck.

I like to sit out on the porch swing and remember Aunt Dee.

Of a summer evening, sometimes I see black horses high-stepping down the blacktop

With somber plumes above their handsome heads.

I never tell my husband what I've seen,

But I do go inside and make sure everything's in good repair

And that he stays



The Church Of The Gingerbread God

Clouds pale and faint like the ashes of saints

Kiss the tower of the church of the gingerbread god

While birds brush the bell on their way through to hell

In the tower of the church of the gingerbread god.

Prayers rise and fill

The body of the bell

Til the striker can't move and it dies;

But it still seems to ring

Each year in the spring

Releasing the prayers like sighs.

Birds with no wings and clouds with no mouths

Nest in the tower of the church of the gingerbread god,

While the pony-up basket is kept in a casket

Buried below in the yard.



  1. Whoa! TWO fantastic poems and TWO beautiful images.I love the porch swing poem, ofcourse, and Aunt Dee and the things she saw and said. Especially the horses with their plumes.....and then the woman sitting in the swing remembering her aunt and seeing the horses herself. The gingerbread god poem is excellent. Fabulous image! Almost makes a person want to go to church - almost! :) "Birds with no wings and clouds with no mouths" is a brilliant line.........and "releasing the prayers like sighs". Love the "pony-up basket"..........wonderful, you two. What a cool idea, a dual presentation! Clap clap clap clap clap.

  2. Spare yet extremely detailed and evoctive photographs, letting you see the black and white bones of things. Your poems fit them snugly, a little more structured, a little more black and white than your usual write. Both are still haunted by the unseen, both still carry an enormous weight of images as if they're insubstantial as clouds, but I have to pick the second as my personal favorite because of the sheer music in the language. That picture of all the prayers, heavy and bulky with all their emotional freight, clogging up the bell..a fine poem.

  3. Bravo to both yourself and Daryl! These are really nice, love the photo's too. xx

  4. What a fantastic pairing! My favorite in both categories is the first one. Wonderful post.

  5. Due to my occasionally limited intelligence, the link to Shay from moi will not work til the morrow .. I am so excited about this collaboration that I've started a Shay's Garden Series xo

  6. And to say the are wonderful is to be pedestrian I love seeing the plumed horses and I am mad about Gingerbread God .. makes more sense for her to be about something that smells so good and yet not at all a gingerbread feeling .. me like the sighs ..I can feel them

  7. Daryl's photos are beautiful and your poetic accompaniment is amazing, too, Shay. A chilling tale you wove from the shots.

  8. awesome team work...the photos and poems worked well together...definitely entertained over here.

  9. What an amazing collaboration! But, do you two go both ways? Er, I mean it would be awesome to see what Daryl would shoot to pair with something you'd written.


Spirit, what do you wish to tell us?