Lil Bit has tagged me for a meme. Thanks, woman! I have to make lists of 8 things. When she's stern like that, I can't help but obey. ;-)
8 Places I Have Been To
1. London, England, where the above picture was taken at Madame Tussaud's. That's me on the right. And anyway, Scarlet dared me to post it, and everyone knows I can't resist a dare.
2. Toronto, Canada, where I shopped for shoes, and saw Les Miz.
3. Manila, Philippines, where I saw the American cemetery for the GI's who died there in WWII.
4. Hell, Michigan, which does indeed freeze over.
5. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, which they say is haunted.
6. San Antonio, Texas, where I used to live. On my visit back, I stayed at the historic Menger Hotel, which is also said to be haunted.
7. Provincetown, Mass., which is like a never ending Pride event.
8. Amherst, Mass. where the Emily Dickinson homestead is. It was a profound experience for me. She was glad I had come.
8 Movies That I Love
1. When Night Is Falling, about a female professor at a religious college who meets an irresistible woman from a traveling circus. She shoots an arrow through her window, with phone number attached. *sigh*
2. Hable Con Ella (Talk To Her), about two men in love with women who are in comas. Sounds awful, but it's great.
3. Session 9, my favorite creepy movie, about a salvage crew working under a tight deadline inside the extremely creepy--and deserted-- Danvers Lunatic Asylum.
4. Jeux D'Enfants (Love Me If You Dare), one of those love it or hate it movies, about a childhood game of dares that takes over the lives of the two participants.
5. Ordinary People, about the disintegration of a family, with Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Sutherland and Timothy Hutton.
6. The Producers, with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder trying to produce a sure fire flop. Hysterical.
7. The Spitfire Grill, about a girl struggling to fit in as she tries to start over.
8. Clean And Sober, in which Michael Keaton's character tries to get straight.