Reanimated Lavender Granola Switchblade Nun rides again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why are you still here??????? :-)

Some of you know I have a Weasel-Friend, La Belette Rouge, who writes the spifftacular blog of the same name. But what you probably do not know is that today is her dog Lily's second barkday, er, birthday, and LBR has made the cutest video of all time in order to celebrate. If you like dogs, and you like good music to dance to, you MUST go see Lily's video and help her celebrate. You will find it HERE.

Meanwhile, if you've come to read my poetry, bless you. I posted over the weekend, so if you missed it, just go to the previous post, or visit today's featured oldie, a travel guide to Estrogenia written by your intrepid girl reporter, me. Mama Zen bought the Camaro, as if we couldn't have guessed. ;-)  But Lily is really more interesting than my, um, "doggerel", lol.



  1. Thanks a bundle for introducing me to Lily - so glad I made it to her party! LOL :)

  2. Lily rightly insisted that we walk, run and dance over here. Lily and I love our Tiger-friend. We can't thank you enough for making her birthday extra special. You are a DEAR!!!! Thank you!! Kisses, hugs and Lily love!!xoxoxo
    Much love,
    Weasel-friend and Lily-the-Westie

  3. I'd rather curl up here while everyone else is over there.

  4. Lily is super-adorable, her bright little eyes perked up my morning:)

  5. I remember Estrogenia, but the comment I left you was probably written by Rabies, the monkey, not me. :)

    I'm off to check out Lily's video. Chow for now.

  6. sweet doggies of Estrogenia!

    Aloha from Honolulu खुश दीपावली

    Comfort Spiral


  7. lily has a wider wardrobe than I do!!! and plusher pillows too!...

    but I really came for you ;)

  8. cute pup...that lily

    hope you have a wonderful day shay.

  9. Estrogenia is so lovely in the fall!

  10. That was extra-cute. I wonder which came first, Lily the dog or Lily the song?

    P.S. If that's Emily Dickenson up there, she had one fine ass!



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